
Auf dieser Seite findest du eine Übersicht über besonders bekannte oder wichtige Literatur in der Umweltpsychologie zu verschiedenen Themenbereichen. Vielleicht hilft dir das beim Schreiben deiner Abschlussarbeit oder bei deiner Suche nach einem bestimmten Thema.

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Eine erste ausführliche Datenbank mit bereits über 200 umweltpsychologischen Werken findest du in dieser Exceltabelle:

Clayton, S., & Manning, C. (Eds.). (2018). Psychology and climate change: Human perceptions, impacts, and responses. Academic Press.

Gardner, G. T., & Stern, P. C. (2002). Environmental problems and human behavior. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Hamann, K., Baumann, A. & Löschinger, D. (2016). Psychologie im Umweltschutz. Handbuch zur Förderung nachhaltigen Handelns. München: Oekom.

Harré, N. (2011). Psychology for a Better World. Auckland University Press.

Hellbrück, J. & Kals, E. (2012). Umweltpsychologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Homburg, A. & Matthies, E. (1998). Umweltpsychologie. Umweltkrise, Gesellschaft und Individuum. Weinheim: Juventa.

Schmitt, C. T., & Bamberg, E. (2018). Psychologie und Nachhaltigkeit. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell.

Whitmarsh, L., Lorenzoni, I., & O’Neill, S. (2012). Engaging the public with climate change: Behaviour change and communication. Routledge.

Umweltschützendes Verhalten fördern

Cialdini, R. B. (2003). Crafting normative messages to protect the environment. Current directions in psychological science, 12(4), 105-109.

Geller, E. S. (2002). The challenge of increasing proenvironment behavior. Handbook of environmental psychology, 2, 525-540.

Steg, L., Bolderdijk, J. W., Keizer, K., & Perlaviciute, G. (2014). An integrated framework for encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals. Journal of Environmental psychology, 38, 104-115.

Steg, L., & Vlek, C. (2009). Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: An integrative review and research agenda. Journal of environmental psychology, 29(3), 309-317.

Bamberg, S. (2002). Effects of implementation intentions on the actual performance of new environmentally friendly behaviours—results of two field experiments. Journal of environmental psychology, 22(4), 399-411.


Huijts, N. M., Molin, E. J., & Steg, L. (2012). Psychological factors influencing sustainable energy technology acceptance: A review-based comprehensive framework. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(1), 525-531.

Schade, J., & Schlag, B. (2003). Acceptability of urban transport pricing strategies. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 6(1), 45-61.

Wilke, H. A. (1991). Greed, efficiency and fairness in resource management situations. European review of social psychology, 2(1), 165-187.

Zoellner, J., Schweizer-Ries, P., & Wemheuer, C. (2008). Public acceptance of renewable energies: Results from case studies in Germany. Energy policy, 36(11), 4136-4141.

Psychologische Grundlagentexte

Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 50(2), 179-211.

Festinger, L. (1962). A theory of cognitive dissonance (Vol. 2). Stanford university press.

Homburg, A., & Matthies, E. (1998). Umweltpsychologie: Umweltkrise, Gesellschaft und Individuum. Juventa.

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American psychologist, 55(1), 68.

Triandis, H. C. (1979). Values, attitudes, and interpersonal behavior. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 27, 195–259.

Schwartz, S. H., & Howard, J. A. (1981). A normative decision-making model of altruism. Altruism and helping behavior, 189-211.

Fragebögen & Skalen

Davis, J. L., Green, J. D., & Reed, A. (2009). Interdependence with the environment: Commitment, interconnectedness, and environmental behavior. Journal of environmental psychology, 29(2), 173-180.

Dunlap, R. E. (2008). The new environmental paradigm scale: From marginality to worldwide use. The Journal of environmental education, 40(1), 3-18.

Gatersleben, B., Steg, L., & Vlek, C. (2002). Measurement and determinants of environmentally significant consumer behavior. Environment and behavior, 34(3), 335-362.

Kaiser, F. G. (1996). Environmental attitude and ecological behavior.

Kaiser, F. G., Byrka, K., & Hartig, T. (2010). Reviving Campbell’s paradigm for attitude research. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 14(4), 351-367.

Kaiser, F. G., & Wilson, M. (2004). Goal-directed conservation behavior: The specific composition of a general performance. Personality and individual differences, 36(7), 1531-1544.

Milfont, T. L., & Duckitt, J. (2010). The environmental attitudes inventory: A valid and reliable measure to assess the structure of environmental attitudes. Journal of environmental psychology, 30(1), 80-94.

 Perkins, H. E. (2010). Measuring love and care for nature. Journal of environmental psychology, 30(4), 455-463.

Umweltschützendes Verhalten erklären / Modelle

Frick, J., Kaiser, F. G., & Wilson, M. (2004). Environmental knowledge and conservation behavior: Exploring prevalence and structure in a representative sample. Personality and Individual differences, 37(8), 1597-1613.

Hamann, K., Baumann, A. & Löschinger, D. (2016). Psychologie im Umweltschutz. Handbuch zur Förderung nachhaltigen Handelns. München: Oekom.

Klöckner, C. A. (2013). A comprehensive model of the psychology of environmental behaviour—A meta-analysis. Global environmental change, 23(5), 1028-1038.

Kollmuss, A., & Agyeman, J. (2002). Mind the gap: why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior?. Environmental education research, 8(3), 239-260.

Pelletier, L. G., Dion, S., Tuson, K., & Green‐Demers, I. (1999). Why Do People Fail to Adopt Environmental Protective Behaviors? Toward a Taxonomy of Environmental Amotivation 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29(12), 2481-2504.

Stern, P. C., Dietz, T., Abel, T., Guagnano, G. A., & Kalof, L. (1999). A value-belief-norm theory of support for social movements: The case of environmentalism. Human ecology review, 81-97.

Thøgersen, J. (2004). A cognitive dissonance interpretation of consistencies and inconsistencies in environmentally responsible behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(1), 93-103.


Beginning the Climate Conversation:

Climate Visuals: seven principles for visual climate change communication:

CRED-Guide: The Psychology of Climate Communication:

Matthies, E. (2005). Wie koennen PsychologInnen ihr Wissen besser an den/die PraktikerIn bringen? Vorschlag eines neuen integrativen Einflussschemas umweltgerechten Alltagshandelns/How can psychologists better put across their knowledge to practioners? Suggesting a new, integrative influence model of pro-environmental everyday behaviour. Umweltpsychologie, 9(1).

Promoting sustainable behavior: a guide to successfull conversation:

Meta-Analysen & Reviews

Bamberg, S., & Möser, G. (2007). Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of environmental psychology, 27(1), 14-25.

Bergquist, M., Nilsson, A., & Schultz, W. P. (2019). A meta-analysis of field-experiments using social norms to promote pro-environmental behaviors. Global Environmental Change, 59, 101941.

Gifford, R., & Nilsson, A. (2014). Personal and social factors that influence pro‐environmental concern and behaviour: A review. International Journal of Psychology, 49(3), 141-157.

Keller, A., Eisen, C., & Hanss, D. (2019). Lessons learned from applications of the stage model of self-regulated behavioral change: A review. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1091.

Klöckner, C. A. (2013). A comprehensive model of the psychology of environmental behaviour—A meta-analysis. Global environmental change, 23(5), 1028-1038.

Osbaldiston, R., & Schott, J. P. (2012). Environmental sustainability and behavioral science: Meta-analysis of proenvironmental behavior experiments. Environment and Behavior, 44(2), 257-299.


Kollektives Handeln

Bamberg, S., Rees, J. H., & Schulte, M. (2018). Environmental protection through societal change: What psychology knows about collective climate action—and what it needs to find out. In Psychology and Climate Change (pp. 185-213). Academic Press.

Fritsche, I., Barth, M., Jugert, P., Masson, T., & Reese, G. (2018). A Social Identity Model of Pro-Environmental Action (SIMPEA). Psychological Review, 125(2), 245–269.

Lubell, M. (2002). Environmental activism as collective action. Environment and Behavior, 34(4), 431-454.

Smith, L. G., Thomas, E. F., & McGarty, C. (2015). “We must be the change we want to see in the world”: Integrating norms and identities through social interaction. Political Psychology, 36(5), 543-557.

Van Zomeren, M., Postmes, T., & Spears, R. (2008). Toward an integrative social identity model of collective action: A quantitative research synthesis of three socio-psychological perspectives. Psychological bulletin, 134(4), 504.


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